Welcome to Aofw.Org, The Animals of Farthing Wood Fansite. Here, you can find episode guides for the TV series, book synopsis's and also many fans who share the love for Aofw. You can also join our community through signing up to Aofw.Org and become a community member. Enjoy!
10 Years: Design readied
Heya Everyone!
I've got the basic site design readied. Rachael (my wife) is going to be doing the graphics for the website. A preview of the new design will be available once certain parts are readied.
One of the big sticking points for me is the forum. Its been online since the site started but it has fallen out of use. I might tie it in with the Miarchy Project but I am not sure. If anyone has any thoughts, I will read them if you e-mail me at michael@aofw.org.
I've finally got around to getting The Animals of Farthing Wood on DVD. I had to import it from Germany but the English sound track is there. Excellent stuff but why is it not being sold in the UK? In any event, quite happy to have the three series on my shelf.
Seeya all on the net!
Posted on: 2013-07-30
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